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Velvet is offline
Old 04-21-2013, 11:33 PM

This is Day Six
This creature is a(n): Afro-Marmaoar
This is its story:

This creature, distant cousins of the Afro Donkeys, can also be found in the prairies and valleys of Duval. They have pointed hooves that allow them to walk carelessly over the tall grasses and the muddier parts of the island. The rut around much like a wild boar, but enjoy feasting on seeds and fresh fruits over slop or grasses.

Their wooly coats are shed during the summer months to reveal a smooth and short coat, therefore the mating takes place during the designated winter months. Why?
Mates are attracted to the largest "afros" and when the wooly fur is at its peak is in the winter months. After picking one mate, they generally stick with that mate for a few years before becoming bored with each others afros.

Offspring are born with long and lanky wooly fur that makes they look like a huge poof ball and for this reason they are undesirable to carnivores. They don't want to deal with all that wooly fur.

Afro-Marmaoars are actually farmed by the folks that live away from the cities. Their wool is soft and valuable, but none of these critters are harmed during the wool taking process! They are just suddenly hideous to their mates and sometimes the males are made to give their baby making stuff to the farmer and then given to the female. Not an easy challenge to raise these critters, but sometimes it can be worth it.