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full of sound and fury (you know the rest)
twotickets is offline
Old 04-26-2013, 01:36 PM

Shino saw the bug-killer just in time to watch three restaurant patrons commit genocide. Calling back as many of his friends as he could before they were slaughtered, Shino thought fast and hard. He knew those cans hadn't been anywhere nearby a moment ago. His face white with rage, Shino vowed to find the time-stopper and hold him/her/it responsible.

The ants had been only trying to help.

Scanning the room for anything peculiar, Shino saw that everyone was in some stage of surprise, confusion, amusement, or revulsion. Everyone, that is, except one. He stalked over to the girl's table and grabbed her wrist, hoping that if she tried to stop time again, the skin-to-skin contact would pull him with her.

"You," he said, his voice deathly quiet. "Murderer!"


Wallace was pretty sure the cookies hadn't been there a minute ago, but he tore the bags open and threw them into the air as if that had been his plan all along. As he expected, all the people nearest to him immediately abandoned their "attack the pandas" plan and went with the more fun-- and surprisingly more violent-- "get the cookies before they land on the dirty, ant-and-noodle-covered floor.

In the confusion, Wallace managed to stuff eleven-and-a-half cookies into his mouth. Most of them had ants on them, but that just added flavor. Choji got sixteen.