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Monicah_Bunneh is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:33 AM

"Doll?" Hearing him refer to her doll was quite interesting, making her giggle a but. How cliche of him but it fit a guy like him. "Thank you, that sounds great." She placed a hand on her stomach, she was actually really hungry so she was glad he offered.

Turning to the other male she raised a brow. "Oh, is that true? Tough guy huh?" She nudged him and smiled some. This guy wasn't as tough as he looked, he did just help a random girl when everyone else just kicked her books around. He was also quite handsome. "Ah, Jordan, I like that name." Meko pointed out, simple, but it suited him. As he winked and complimented her nick name she smiled, her cheeks turning a tad pink. "Um, thanks."

Meko followed Jordan to one of the booths and smiled as Mikey left to get their food. "So thanks again for helping me." She told to him as she sat down, sitting across from him. "People around here aren't very nice are they? I mean before you came along people were just kicking my stuff around." She pouted slightly.