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AzuraX is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 10:27 PM

Sighing once again, Lin barely forced herself inside the school. But she knew that this was bad for her. She closed her eyes, and then like magic she became "Len" instead. It wasn't much of a change, but it helped. Her mind set switched and suddenly the horrifying place was more of a boring place.

It was easy from there. Len had a habit of playing the cold card, as an excuse to avoid males. She made her Len self seem mysterious and anti-social simply because she found it fun. That was the daily school life for her, a constant game. The best part was that she was fond of fighting. Guys would challenge her and as a result they would secretly be beat up by a girl.

Chuckling softly Len happily entered the classroom. As usual her enemies glared at her and she teasingly waved to them. "Calm down guys, don't want to wet your pants in the morning do you?" Ah, her favorite part. Harassing boys was the thrill of her mornings.

She smirked evilly and once again sat at her seat. But the teacher shook his head and pointed to a different seat. Len's mouth dropped as she saw that her seat was... by the king. Urgh, of all people, this was the worst. Len slowly shuffled to her new seat and growled lowly.

"Look mister popular. Speak to me even once and I'll mess up that pretty face of yours real good. I've been in a enough fights to know how to make you cry. Disgusting piece of dirt.... Seriously you must be ashamed of yourself." Len had a bad mouth, probably even worse than Lin's. But she couldn't help it. She was totally disgusted by the so called high and mighty king of high school.