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Old 05-05-2013, 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
Art class? *chuckles*
The art class we have here only cater for art defined by our parents.
Which do not involve a lot of what youngsters want to draw. I had been to 2, but none of them offer manga class, I have stuck with art basis which bores me, I am better off self taught.

Conclusion, money wasted, time wasted.
Did I mention manga? *panics and goes back to read her own posts* Wow i didn't! I'm co teaching a manga class right now. Which is actually why this art class question came to mind. I'd kind of like to be a good teacher. not one that people don't like. SOooo, i'm trying to figure out what people like and hate about art classes.

And on the money side, the manga class i'm teaching is freeeee!

Though this is a good point "art defined by our parents." I shall need to look more into this to make sure at least in my area, more opportunities for other types of art open up. For example the pixeling art poet mentioned.
Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
@ Sha - Well for me I simply take the "outline" of the art and work off of that. I know it's not good and I'm working on getting away from that but it's really helpful replacing each and every pixel to see how to make it.

It's especially for larger things since I can't seem to manage to make those properly as of yet ^^"
I have this feeling that you are going to figure it out, and be some master pixel artist.
I was actually playing pokemon the other night. And since i had my glasses off and had to hold the screen really close, i actually noticed the individual pixels instead of looking at it as a whole. I had no idea there was so many pixels in that tiny screen
And why did I not realize it was pixels!! I felt very dumb. but also like maybe just looking at how the pokemon art is done i could figure out how to pixel myself.
At least simple shading like that.

Perhaps you could use that as a research tool as well?