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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-06-2013, 01:13 AM

Welcome to the Naked Nation
Where Clothes are Excessive!

I happened upon an interesting item glitch one day- it makes your underwear disappear! This, for someone who was a part of starting the tradition of Naked Wednesday so many years ago, is splendid news. It gives the chance for those who love their birthday suits to show off all their glorious nakedness on Mene! Minus some bits...

And so! I present you with the NAKED NATION!
Come one, come all! Doesn't matter if you're a nudist or not, come and share the gloriousness that is the nekkidness! And while you're at it, have fun!

Unfortunately, the glitch only removes the lower half of the underwear for the ladies, as of right now there are currently no way to remove the upper part unless you're wearing a skin item.

^ ...Though now that we have the panty/bra-removal items, the above glitch is no longer necessary, but it still works.

Nekkidness FTW!

Last edited by Antagonist; 03-04-2014 at 12:54 AM..