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AzuraX is offline
Old 05-14-2013, 08:56 PM

Bad Luck Black Cat

This is a story of a black cat.
Listen and learn from this well...

At midnight when everyone is asleep, a voice gently sings.
Ah, how it calls to me.
I can't help but wonder who it could be.

At midnight when everyone is asleep.
That's my favorite time to sing.
I wonder who can hear my melodies?

One night I can't help but follow the tune.
A small shadow has seemed to of followed me.
Every time I hear that sweat sound I wish I could join in.

One night I am not there.
I can't help but wonder where that shadow went.

Gently I wished a forbidden wish.
I took a bite of something evil even though I knew it was wrong.
But as long as he is with me...
I don't mind taking the risk.

Once again at midnight I went to him.
I had fallen so deeply in love with him.
But then I saw the one who he was singing to...

At midnight when the moon was bright, I sang to my love again.
Though she's frail and can never come out I sing from out her window.
That is because I love her so.

One midnight when there was no moon there was no singing for me.
Instead the man was crying.
His beloved had been murdered and now I'm covered in...

Beautiful crimson blood.

As midnight strikes once again, my wish fades away.
A simple black cat is all I ever was.
But when you cross my path...

((note:The red is the voice of a male while gray is when our main character is a black cat and cray is when she becomes human. Dark red is when our main character goes bad.))