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Monicah_Bunneh is offline
Old 05-17-2013, 09:34 PM

Meko listened to him, seeming fascinated in a way. He looked like such a tough guy at first glance but it seemed like he was a big softy. "Relaxing? Well." She smiled some and said. "I am glad you were around then. Who knows what kind of trouble a poor, defenseless girl like me would of gotten into." Yes, she was exaggerating a bit, slightly teasing him. Meko didn't think of herself as defenseless but she wasn't going to rant about how she could have taken care of herself, a little help is always appreciated and on the plus side she now has a guy to carry all those heavy books for her. Yay.

When he spoke of how people didn't touch things that were not theirs, she was surprised. In a way that was a good thing she guessed. "So not a lot of robberies around here then?" She half joked.

After a few moments the room became silent and Meko suddenly felt awkward. What was she going to say? She needed to think of another conversation starter quick! Before this guy thinks she was a complete bore. What would a guy like him find exciting. Oh. "So friend is dragging me to this party Friday. You might know about it, some firework party." She shrugged slightly. She said this out of half curiosity and half to impress. She wanted to know if he would be going.