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Did you know the sparrow flies south for winter?
Skulduggery is offline
Old 05-18-2013, 03:08 AM

Name: Alexus Kelila

Age: 32

Short Background: Alex grew up in a family of professional hackers. They taught her the basics of everything, but kept her attention on learning how to hack. She didn't want to join their work, until her later years, when she realized there was nothing she could do, other then hacking. And so, it became her life. She's been hacking most of her life, but mainly since she was 21, when she got her first job, rather then to just play around with it. Recently, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been attempting to get her to help them, but she's not really wanting to, seeing as she doesn't know what it's for. It could be something horrible, that they want to keep secret.

Power/s?: None.

Talent/s: Hacking, lying/acting, can fight(a little).

Appearance: (Without the nose piercing.)