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Did you know the sparrow flies south for winter?
Skulduggery is offline
Old 05-20-2013, 01:15 AM

"You know, Kya, I honestly didn't think you cared about me this much." He told her, before nodding. "I understand." He sighed, but continued.
"I was only a small child when it all started. A baby, losing his two parents to murder. I can hardly remember anything but their faces. I was immediately sent to the Orphanage, but you know all of this. After thirteen years there, I couldn't take it anymore, and I had to escape. I got by living on the streets, until I was found, by a group of Assassins, which were recruiting. They thought I was perfect, because I could look sweet and innocent, but I've seen the horrors of life. They took me in, gave me shelter, food, and some things I honestly do not wish to admit to you, or anyone." At this, there was a faint blush on his face, before he continued. "I lived like that, until I could afford school, which I tried to go to, but I wasn't accepted, because I was different. I went back, and I became their star pupil, and I was sent out on more and more missions, until I heard of this place, not that long ago. I quit, abruptly. I wasn't going to kill if I could do anything else. I ran, as far and fast as I could, and took joined this school. It's perfect for what I need, and I'm accepted.. Enough. I'm in hiding, ever since that day. If they were to ever find me.. Well, I've been assigned missions to find the runaways. It's not pretty. At all."