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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 02:21 AM

Spring. A season of new beginnings.

Or at least that's what Amelia Van Haggart's Father had told her as she left for Albany, NY. It was true, in a sense, but it was far out of reach for Amelia and her family. The new beginnings, new horizons--it was all just around the corner, once their family duty was finished. Unfortunately, every time the Van Haggarts had believed the Vampires were forced into hiding once more, a new coven would rise up from the ashes and start their terror anew. It was then that the Van Haggarts resumed their training and continued their ancestors' life work--the extermination of the Vampire race.

Training was all Amelia had known since a young child, and it showed in her passion and technique. Amelia was but nineteen years old when she surpassed her tutors in training as a Vampire Hunter. What generally took Hunters decades to master, Amelia had mastered it all in only a few short year; a true protegee of the Vampire Hunter lineage.

It was for this reason that Amelia had been assigned the task of infiltrating and bringing down the Vampire dealings in Albany, New York. Little was known about this coven, and even less was known about their true mission. This was what Amelia was aiming to find out, and she hoped to do it quickly.

Amelia wasn't very fond of new places, and Albany, New York was a far cry from London, England where she was born and raised. Still, Amelia was determined to make the best of it. In her search for a place to live, Amelia came across a young woman who was quite the character. Her name was Keira, and it was Keira who snapped Amelia out of her daze and back to reality.

While unloading the moving van, Keira had pulled a box from the top of the stack, and in turn had knocked over a couple of boxes underneath. Amelia looked over at the flustered girl with a laugh, having only half heard her apologies due to her spaced thoughts, "It's alright. There's nothing breakable in these boxes!"

Setting down her own box on the ground, Amelia walked over and surveyed the scene. Biting her lip, Amelia immediately continued speaking, "See? Nothing but wood in these boxes! I... have a hobby of whittling! I know it's crazy, but it's a family thing. Have to love and appreciate the outdated skills your grandparents teach you!" Amelia added with a nervous laugh, hoping that she didn't look too crazy for having an entire moving box of stakes.

It was at this moment that Amelia had caught eyes with a dark haired man, dressed smartly in a suit and on his way to work at City Hall. Blushing a tad, Amelia quickly piled the stakes back into the box, trying to hide the gun that was inside, before turning to Kiera with a grin, "I told you I had a wacky family!"


Daemon Nikolov was a well respected man in the Vampire world. One of the younger officials among the Vampire leaders, Daemon was close to Ivan Aristov and was very much in his confidence. Having spent the past two centuries with Ivan's coven, Daemon had earned his trust and has always kept an eye out for people out to take over Ivan's territory, of which there were many. It was Daemon's duty to keep Ivan safe, and to investigate all threats that sought to overthrow the Vampire Prince of Albany, NY.

Getting wind of a new arrival in the city, Daemon naturally chose that direction to walk while on his way to meet Ivan at the City Hall. Having noticed the box of stakes in the back of the moving van, Daemon became rather stiff and eyed the young woman carefully as he passed by.

'She doesn't look like much. What's a little thing like that doing with a box of wooden stakes?' Daemon thought to himself as he slowed his walk a bit and stopped at a corner newsstand to browse. Listening to the young woman's conversation with her supposed new roommate, certainly not buying the excuse that she whittled in her spare time, Daemon sought to gain a bit more information before joining Ivan to discuss opposing threats to the territory.