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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 09:06 AM

Amelia laughed as she and Keira melded with the others on the dance floor. Amelia wasn't the best dancer, but she knew a few moves that she was able to muddle through pretty well. Having Keira around was just what Amelia needed. She was fun, she was quirky, and she seemed to bring out the fun in Amelia.

'Perhaps living here won't be so bad after all,' Amelia thought to herself as she danced with Keira. Amelia was young, she was nineteen, and she had never had a friend outside of her training peers before, and they certainly didn't go clubbing. While she had trained in this sort of environment before, learning how to blend in with the public, it was different doing it for real with a person who wasn't playing at pretend. It was... fun. Something Amelia had never truly experienced before. It was a nice change, but it didn't cause her to forget her mission.

While she was dancing, she was inconspicuously scanning the room for any possible threats. She sensed a shift in the air, but she didn't sense anything too dangerous, just a few lesser ranked vampires who were out for their fun. Nothing worth ruining her cover for... not yet anyways.


With a small nod, Daemon pointed to the young blond approaching the dance floor in a flirty black dress. "Her roommate is the mismatched girl with the boots. I'll take care of her." Putting on his best debonair smile, Daemon approached the dancing girls rather quickly, but not at a speed that could be considered inhuman.

Placing a hand on the roommate's lower back, Daemon inquired softly with a small bow, "Excuse me, but may I steal you away for a dance? You don't mind, do you?" Daemon asked as he turned to Amelia.

"No, not at all! Please," Amelia said with a warm smile as gave an encouraging wink at Keira.

"My name is Daemon, and you are," Daemon asked as he turned back to the roommate and lead her deeper into the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Amelia made her way back to the bar and ordered another drink, turning around in the stool to watch Keira and the interested man who had approached them. Something was strange about him, yet she couldn't put her finger on it. He looked familiar...