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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-20-2013, 06:45 AM

Lune moved gracefully across the school grounds, each step was taken with perfect poise as she moved, her dress made a soft swishing sound as the hem brushed against the grass. The elegantly dressed therian was barefoot beneath that dress though. She had been in her room, putting things away in their proper places, making sure everything was nice and neatly organized when the text message had come through on her phone. A quick read, and then Lune had grabbed the parasol that matched her dress and was out the door in a matter of moments. She had slowed her pace once she was in the public eye. Well, where others could openly see her. Her posture was straight, and she moved almost as if she knew exactly where she was going. She figured the person she was looking for might be in the garden, but she wasn't to sure. A bit of relief filled Lune when she finally spotted Adela in the garden. Delicately, Lune moved to sit on the bench next to Adela, those lips parting slightly, Lune hesitated a moment, before that feminine voice left those lips. "Is everything alright?" Those eyes were slightly downcast and her hands were clasped gently around her cell phone.

After a few more moments of playing, Keri's song soon came to an end. He leaned back against the tree he sat under, eyes open and on the nymph before him. He offered a slight smile. "Well, did you like it, did you hate it? Tell me how you honestly feel about it." He was rather direct, but he didn't sound eager, in fact he almost sounded like he really didn't care one way or the other if she had liked his music or not. He cared a little bit, but really the important thing was that he liked it and it was his song.