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Staria is offline
Old 06-21-2013, 10:20 PM

"Were they Dark types? Lead by a Houndoom? I was chased by some too, but i ran so far I don't think they're anywhere near here.... So I think we're safe." She responded cheerfully. She hoped she would make him feel safer... even if she could sense presences nearby. Now that she had rested some the shine was returning to her forehead gem and her tail was flickering back and forth slightly now. She felt much better now, even if her wounds were not quite healed. She glanced up into the forest a moment at one of the presence nearest them...... a dark ice type? She had felt something like that once before. She closed her eyes, she should know some pokemon like that. She couldn't remember clearly that time of her life though, her mind had been pretty scrambled then by something done to her though she couldn't remember what was done.

"I can probably head to the water soon...." She said softly, even though she was comfortable enough she really didn't want to move. She was comfortable where she was and purred softly even as she opened her eyes again to look at the tree tops where she sensed one pokemon. Why did it just watch? She was tempted to say something to the pokemon but that had landed her in trouble before... When pokemon were hiding and she sensed them she could make them mad, especially when they were dark types. She looked away quickly and closed her eyes to try and hide the fact she'd looked in the pokemons direction at all. She nestled into the ninetails side more. She felt safe with him, he seemed so protective and gentle. He didn't hate her for being strange or having an odd voice or anything. Would the pokemon in the trees be the same or should she pretend to be normal and not sense anyone? yes... this time she'd be good, she'd play dumb.