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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 09:39 PM

He looked up at the sky, warriors eh? "Where I come from, the pokemon are strong and hard..ou must be to survive the harsh climates and the fierce battles for what little resources there are in the frozen tundra" he paused for a moment. "Pokemon there learn from a very young age, that the world is not always kind and life is more then just fun and is a path of life and death" he turns to look at her a bit, his eyes narrowing, "is that what you are prepared for?" Children were so quick to want to learn, to get strong and to be a part of the glory they thought came with being a strong pokemon or a hero. There was much more to it, that naive minds typically had to learn the hard way. He had been like that once..back during his time as a Sneasle. He looks at his claws, he had not evolved and gotten strong as he had through life being kind or easy.