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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 01:46 AM

Skylark (Hex) Manson

The limo door closed behind him, gaining a sigh from the youngest son within the Manson family. In total, there were three of them, one the age of twenty, the second the age of seventeen and then Skylark of sixteen. He had a sister of fifteen as well and of all of them, she was the most spoiled. She had their mother and father wrapped around her finger, perfection in the form of a young woman as they saw it. All of his siblings were reguarded very highly by their parents. His eldest brother by the name of Maxamillion, was following in his father's footsteps, as the next head of the family buisiness. The second eldest by the name of Drez was at the top of his class and expected to gain a full scholorship when he went away to college. The sister Rose was at the top of her class as well, a prodigy and thought very highly of by anyone who got sucked in by her facade, which was usually...everyone.

Skylark had been in good terms with his parents for the longest time as well. His abilities were developing powerfully and nicely at first and he had been a straight A student for all of his educational carrer. With tallents outside of the mythological world as well, he had been the next one who his family believed would follow his brother and his father's footsteps. Things however had taken a turn for the worse however when his full powers began to come in. Although the Manson family was known throughout many circles as a powerful, wealthy and high classed family, it had its share of dirty secrets. Sometimes having bloodlines in the shadows was not always a good thing, sometimes it drove a person mad or corrupt. A few of his family members in the past had done just that, been driven into madness by their powers and the darkness.

Of course his family viewed this practically as a sin, disowning them almost immediatly and cutting off all contact with them. Being in this family, with greatness and perfection expectations, coupled with the weight of possibly going crazy on one's shoulders, it should be enough to make anyone a tad unnerved. Skylark had already been experiencing what some might call the curse of his family. Around him, bad things began to happen. People became accostomed to blaming this on his powers and his family, calling him bad luck and dangerous, hence where his nickname 'Hex' came from. He was a walking curse in some people's eyes and this had began to cause him to be teased or for people to keep away from him. A few students at his old school had began trying to drive him out, saying they did not need his kind around there.

It had been up on the observatory, overlooking the city. No one knew what happened really, but the glass floor had given out and four boys had been seriously injured and ended up in the hospital. One of them died, but Skylark had been found with not a scratch on him. After that, his family had thought keeping him out of school for a year would be a good idea, letting the trouble die down a bit and keeping him out of sight. He remembered the looks, from his parents and his siblings. It had been like their image of him had been shattered and now he was the problem child or something. He had spent that year in a practical hell, not allowed to leave the mansion much, kept inside where as he knew his parents described it behind his back, to keep him out of trouble or tarnishing the name further. It had been in the papers, the news, etc. His parents had paid good money to keep his name out of it.

However, rumors and stories always have a way of spreading, weather people like it or not. The nickname stuck and he came to accept it, as a reminder and something to make him work harder to gain full control and not end up like others. Now he was back at school, just a different one. This one was in his parent's eyes a fresh start, one where he could make a better name for himself and for others around him. His brother Drez went here and he suspected that it was to keep an eye on him more than to allow him this fresh start they spoke of. He cared little though, it was fine with him. He would prove them and anyone else who got in his way wrong, anyone who dared to think of him as weak or a failure. He would make a new name for himself, one that would even demand respect from his own family.

His father paused by the doors, turning to face him. "You will be alright here then?" he asked, his voice carrying its usual cold and stern tone. Skylark paused, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Tch, I'll be fine, I don't need a babysitter so you can let Drez know to back off. I will handle this on my own" he stepped forward, reaching for the door handle. "Skylark" his father said a bit more sternly, making the teen pause. "We are counting on you and placing our trust in you. We do not give second chances, but you are our son..use this wisely and rise to the occasion" with that he walked back to the car. "Lucky me" Skylark whispered more to himself, though his voice more sarchastic than even he expected.

Opening the doors, he stepped inside. He figured what he would need would be brought over in time, so he did not even bother to go check. Instead, he made his way down the corridor, not looking up as he passed a few students. Even now, cliques were forming, those of the same race or type were getting together and naturally, no light types with darks. Typical, this was an odd school in many ways, but the same as others in many other ways. He wondered what it would hold in store for him. "Yo bro! " a voice rang out. He froze with a sigh, turning to see his brother Drez walking towards him with a group of his friends. He was tall, six feet, with perfectly cut and styled black hair and their mother's dark jade eyes. He wore black pants, a white shirt with a loose tie and a dark green jacket.

Skylark knew it was for show, just in case their father had stuck around. Drez was like rose in many ways. He was perfection on the outside, but purly dark on the inside. He enjoyed making others squirm and feel his power or control over them. He had a place above many and he loved using it. Of course, their parents did not see the more rather jerkish side of their middle son. He glanced around, before speaking again. "Where's pops? " he asks, not bothering to use propper language while it was just his friends and Skylark. "He had buisiness" Skylark passed his brother, walking down the hall, though he knew it was futile to think getting rid of him would be that easy. An arm slid around his shoulders, "great, then it's just you and me. " He laughed a bit, "stick with me and I'll show you the ropes, you'll be running the place by my side in no time."

Skylark pushed his brother's arm off of him. "If you don't mind, I will find my own place, without your assistance" he spoke clearly. His brother shrugged, "suit yourself, but don't come runnin to me when things don't work out." With a laugh he and his goons walked away down the hall, leaving Skylark once more to himself. He shook his head, wondering how long it would be until the real Drez was found out. What would his parents do then? It was of little concern right now, he needed to take a look around, get his bearrings and prepare for the time ahead of him. This was a new year, a new start and he was going to make the most of it.