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momochan is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:29 AM

D and Nimbus both sprung into action when they heard Svanna call out. They got their asses in gear and both started running towards the front. D was out in the battle field, shooting with guns ablaze and kicking Marauder ass. She didn't have fancy fighting skills like some. She used dirty tricks and used her speed to her advantage. She didn't care if it was low, she'd kick a man in the balls and pump full of led our gouge his eyes if they weren't protected. She didn't five a fuck. She didn't care about honor in a battle. It was life or death to her, and she was going to live. When the mutants came in, she pumped them full of led.

Nimbus was using his shotgun completely to his advantage. If someone got close he'd whack them with it and shoot their head off. The one thing he agreed with D on, was with fighting. He didn't care if he used dirty tricks. He didn't resort to them as often, though. Both him and D were fighting for their lives, when the explosion came. The two of them weren't harmed, but when they saw Svanna get kidnapped they were angry. D, not thinking, started running after the truck. She managed to avoid the turret mostly, but was shot on her right shoulder. She didn't even leave factory grounds. "YOU DUMB ASS!", Nimbus yelled as he ran over to her and dragged her ass back. The bullet had managed to puncture the suit, which was damaged from the fight. "I'm FINE, let go!", D said as she tried to push Nimbus off of her. When she moved her shoulder she let out a gasp and yelled out profanity. "Goddamn!", she said. "You're such an idiot! You never think things through! You're lucky you're not anymore damaged than this!", he said. Nimbus pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it against her shoulder. "The bullet is still in there...We're going to have to get it out.", he said. "We can get it out later! We gotta get Svanna back!", D said as she pulled herself out of Numbus' grip and grunted in pain. She held the handkerchief in place and started walking towards to base.