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Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 02:27 AM

It's not just werewolves in that story, though. There's were-any animal combo I'll dream up. ;) Vamps are in it, too. Part of why people like Sophie are so rare- vamps have a nasty habit of killing necromancers seeing as they can control the dead and vampires are, for all intents and purposes, dead.

But she's not really a necromancer- she doesn't actually have magic in that sense. She has something called Death's Grace, which is entirely more rare and more powerful since there are barely any limits on what a person with Death's Grace can do. Sophie was stillborn and was dead for 43 minutes. But during that time as a dead infant, she met Death, and Death sent her back to her body and that's how she got the ability of 'Death's Grace'. She can control the dead, talk to and control ghosts, can even bring the dead back to life through pure power of will so long as they haven't been dead for too long and take life, although taking a life leaves her immensely drained of energy, and she has been warned it could kill her.

She can't 'cure' vampirism, though. She's tried and it didn't end well.