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k-kawaii is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 01:46 AM

(*pops in* :) hello! )

She was tired, and out of breath. Not to mention hungry. Two days ago she'd nearly been killed when she was ambushed by those...things, or zombies as they call them. The only thing she had on her was a wooden baseball bat with long nails sticking out from it that she'd put in the bat so the zombies would die with one or two hits. She did have a gun on her but it was just a six shot black revolver which she now had no bullets for. So if she ran into a mob she'd definitely be screwed. But at least her father had make her take martial arts when she lived in China as a child. Although even that wasn't to reliable considering one wrong move and the zombies could end up infecting her.

Himawari Zhuang, Hima for short, paused as she heard a sound. When she saw that it was just a bird she disregarded it as nothing for the time being. Her eyes scanned each building as she walked down the street. There had to be a police department or something around here that carried ammunition. Soon her eyes fell on the first police department she'd seen in a week. Her eyes lit up as she jogged over to the department. When she looked in she found someone inside. Were they alive or were they one of the undead? She wasn't sure. She tried to open the door but realized it was locked. Himawari knocked softly as to not make much noise. "Hello, can you let me inside?" She asked loud enough to where the man could hear before looking around to see if anything was going to come out and attack her. So far she didn't see anything which was good but that didn't mean anything.