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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 04:23 AM

"I live where I can," Codi replied, not taking offence by the strange man's words. He had a tendency to misread people's emotions and inflections, it was just a part of his disorder. Though when he was offered a place to stay, he became wary. That's how the bad people caught you. They fed you and pretended to be nice to you, offering a place to stay... And then they would assault you and possibly kill you. Codi wasn't dumb, though others would mistake him for being so.

"I'd rather not, though thank you for the offer. I don't usually come around this part of town, I was simply taking a walk and..." he grinned as a lady wearing a heavy looking frilly dress walked past with a dog that could be mistaken for a rat. "Observing the culture." He stopped himself from laughing too loud, afraid that the lady would call the police over. Though when she had trotted past with her nose in the air, he let out a loud chuckle. "Seriously, tho'..."