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Old 07-30-2013, 03:40 PM

Throughout the entire time the turquoise eyed male had made his way down the dirt path of the village, the sense that he had been watched for a moment earlier had soon come across his spine as he immediately came to a halt. Reaching for the back of the torn-up rag that covered up his entire body, he had pulled some of it over his head only to be able to cover up the bandages of his left eye. Whoever or whatever was watching him had made him feel rather uncomfortable, so letting whoever it was know that he had bandages over his eye would probably get them curious enough to attack him and figure out what was so important that he had it covered up.
Traveling ever deeper into the ruined village, it seemed almost as though the further in he had went the more the buildings around seemed to had looked as though they had been attacked or simply died with age from all the rust. The only second time that he had come to a stop was when a strangely brightly lit light was shining up ahead at what seemed to look like a shrine of sorts. Squinting his right eye only slightly at the bright light, he had soon taken his gaze away from it only to try and make his way to a more darker area where he hadn't needed to stare at it. While making his way to the side of one of the broken down buildings, the light had still shined upon his own body. The light itself hadn't felt hostile but rather almost welcoming as though it was some type of warm hug that someone wanted to give others.
Although as the the blond-haired male had turned just slightly around the corner to stare at the light, he couldn't seem to help but drop onto the floor with both of his hands quickly covering up both of his ears tightly. Those horrid memories flooding back into his head had caused a loud ringing noise to go through his mind as he shook it off to try and stop with his memories trying to annoy him as usual. However, it wouldn't stop the sounds of screams going through his mind as he quickly punched the wall he leaned against to press pain into his wrist and hoped that it would be a way for him to occupy himself with something else. It may had taken several punches, but in the end a deep exhale had escaped from his lips as he stood back up to his feet as though nothing had happened. Whatever that light was, he had to stay away from it for a bit longer if he didn't want that horrible pain to surge through his body.

Directing his gaze back out from the corner of the building, the young male took his attention only toward the buildings to see if he could make it inside any of them and hope that he would be able to stay there to rest up and figure out his next move. After about a minute or so, his attention was brought down onto something of what looked close enough to an inn. It was something at least, and it hadn't looked like it was completely in ruins just yet. Making his way over toward the inn-like building, he had kept his gaze away from the light the entire time. However, as he drew ever closer to the building the sounds of chatting had caught his attention.
Unaware if the people he had heard within the building were hostile or not, he had quickly directed his movements to the side of the building where he had easily found a backdoor into the inn. Placing a single palm around the doorknob, he had focused any bit of energy he could into his grasp before the silver knob itself had began to melt and finally break off of the door itself. The reasons to why his power was like this to be able to control such heat was still a mystery to himself as well. All he had known about himself was that there was some type of creature that resided within him and from time to time it would become enraged only to cause him severe amounts of pain as well as surrounding his body in a blanket of fire that didn't even seem hot to him.
Pushing the door ever slowly to make sure the others within the next room where he had heard wouldn't hear him. The young male had ended up finding himself within what seemed like the remains of a kitchen. Noticing how it was simply a kitchen had caused a slight growl to come from his own stomach, he hadn't remembered the last time he truly had something to eat. If any of those people were hostile and he had no choice but to fight back, with zero energy in his body to fight there was no doubt that he would get himself killed in the process. So with knowing that, he had began to scavenge the kitchen as quietly as he could for something that was edible.