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It's quiet, now.
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Tachigami is offline
Old 07-31-2013, 12:01 AM

Samuel stirred his silver spoon through the soup, watching Codi from the corner of his eye from time to time, but otherwise focusing on the table. He did enjoy this place's atmosphere, the quiet conversation, and now, the lovely companionship of a young man that seemed to be mentally weak. Weak...? Samuel shook his head, focusing on his bowl.

"Careful. Wouldn't want you to be ill later." He warned. What kind of walk through the park would it be if Codi didn't feel well? Eating a lot after a time of little food did tend to make one ill, after all. Samuel finished his wine and folded a few slices of what remained of the bread in a napkin. The swans on the pond would enjoy it, at least, and Codi would probably like to feed them. Samuel was looking forward to seeing that sweet innocence in the young man.