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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 07-31-2013, 12:09 AM

"Oh!" Codi stopped eating the bread and sat back, rubbing his warm belly and staring out of one of the many large windows. The cafe had a small courtyard out the back and there were many different coloured birds hopping about the trees and splashing in the birdbath. Codi could almost hear their sweet songs and he closed his eyes with a content smile on his lips.

"You never told me what you did..." he started a conversation after a long while of silence. He opened his green eyes again and gazed over at the fancy man, again admiring his fashion sense. "Like, are you an actor...?" He hadn't ever met an actor before, having never been to any play. He had always wanted to go to one, but he knew that his attention span wouldn't last long enough to become sucked into the story... He had always found it difficult to read books for this reason.