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Kent is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 11:07 PM

Arikana: Oh, yes. I've tried it~ I've made some baseless avis on Lunaesaga. It's interesting. X3

Well, just pretend its head is invisible. He reminds me of a dullahan. Dullahans are cool~ = w= Celty from Durarara is a dullahan and she communicates with her cellphone. X3 But sometimes she has a voice you can hear if she screams, I think.

It's okay. ; w;

I feel so bad. I haven't started on them yet. OTL I really want to start soon. I promise I'll get them to you eventually.
I'm such a bad artist.

Oh, I got that title because I volunteered to be jelly's email penpal to help with the email system~ o wo