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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-03-2013, 07:11 AM

"Well you better learn to" she put it simply, continuing to walk. "We are going to my house, need to start somewhere right?" she thought for a moment. "We should keep this conversation under wraps until we get there, someone might overhear us" she glanced at him, "or will this be hard for you to do as well?" Venus people....such drama queens at times. There was no point in crying about it, suck it up and move on right? She sighed, she couldn't afford to feel those sad, lost feelings. They would get in her way and in the way of her duty. She needed to be fierce, to be strong and work hard so this would not happen again. She blinked a bit, she had gotten off into her own mind and lost track of the one right next to her. She noticed the book. She gasped, "aw! Your an artist?" She took the book from him, opening it to flip through the works within.

Her eyes moved over the artwork, that seemed to capture the inner piece of people and things, their very emotions laid out on the paper within. She paused, smiling warmly at the pages "wow...these are beautiful, your really good." She looked up at him and smiled again, handing the book back to him. True, she was not really shy, more bold and blunt, though she could see and love the beauty in art as well. She did it herself within her outfits, her music and dance. She opened her bag, pulling out one of her own, opening it to show him pages of various outfit designs and lyrics. "It's not exactly the same, but it is my passion" she said, turning the book to her to look at. She sighed a bit, her hand slipping out the Neptune's Heart from around her neck, holding onto it. She missed home, missed her mom and life...