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happydeath is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 02:17 PM

Ravaging through the cabinets as the cloaked elven had done his best to make sure he didn't cause too much noise to slip through to the other room. He had kept looking for any actual food that he would be able to eat that didn't require him to actually cook the food. As it had seemed though, each cabinet he had looked within had either held multiple different spices if not ingredients that were there to use if someone wanted to make something. Where were the snacks or already cooked food.

It didn't seem too long while he was searching throughout the entire kitchen that the sound of the double doors that led into the kitchen swung open. Even though those doors had opened, it hadn't caused the male to stop his search for food. It wasn't as though he was going to die anytime soon even if those people in the next room had attacked him. Yes, he would be killed and die on the floor but in a matter of time he would end up resurrecting himself from his own ashes sooner or later. Being experimented upon and having phoenix blood within you had given him some advantages such as that, but it was still a large disadvantage since it meant he would still be able to feel the pain of death each time. Who knows, maybe even one day the pain would be too great for him to even handle and return to life as he normally did.

Once whoever had stepped into the room spoke up on demanding an answer from Yukito of what he was doing. In an instant when he had heard that question, his motions had stopped as though he was frozen in place while his arms were still reaching for the top cabinets. After a moment or so later, his arms fell to his sides as he let out a low sigh to follow along with that. Keeping his back turned to the female who had spoken up, he lowered his head down only slightly at the thought this was going to turn out into a huge fight or something. "I was just looking for food. I'm sorry, if I have bothered you. Its just been quite too long since I have last gotten something to eat." His voice was low, almost near a whispering tone but loud enough for anyone across the kitchen to be able to hear him.