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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 09:03 PM

*hugs back* Thank you love really! And sorry for the late reply's, I'm trying to find a character sheet for all my characters and I also am trying to do my aunts laundry (I still have like six loads to go). But the point of that is to tell people why I am so awkward and come off rude. It's no excuse by any means though! Saturday and Sunday and even yesterday a lot of stuff was brought up and god broke me. He told me (well didn't speak to me but I know it is him.) to delete all my music and start over, only listening to christian or uplifting music, that I need to stop being sexual (like um.. you know "quiet times" and letting guys use me for sexual favors) I kind of want to become a secondary virgin... I also think I need to get back into church and help around my parents house... I also feel like I need to be more supportive and "loving" towards everyone, like tell them as much as I can how pretty they are or how much I love them... etc. etc. and that I need to stop drinking, like a drink here and there are okay but I don't need to get drunk. I also feel like he told me to forgive my self... which I am working on... but yeaaaa..... (Wow this was a long post)

Oh and on another note; don't cry over my life. It happened how it happened for a reason... whether it be that I help someone five minutes from now or on my death bed. Everything that happened may not have been what god wanted or anything but I do feel like it will become useful for god's plan. I mean. Because I went through it I would probably be really good at helping other girls through it... and you know what. you are this amazing person and I love you very much. You are my best friend. I didn't tell anyone because I felt like I would be judged, I'm sorry!

Also; do you know where I can find different bio sheets?