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Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 09-01-2013, 02:44 AM

Bruno was becoming uneasy with the girl’s reactions, and he debated shooting her. After all, Nazi soldiers weren’t well liked, and he didn’t like the idea of being murdered by some angry Jewish girl. He decided on leaving his gun where it was. There was no point in hurting her as long as she was no threat, but he didn’t want to underestimate her either, so he fingered a large dagger in his pocket. It was his hope that if the girl tried something, he could pull out the knife and kill her before she had a chance to do any real damage.

As Lola decided to step out of the water, Bruno looked away, waiting for her to dress as he was sure she must have been taking a bath and he didn’t want to be rude by looking on her if she wasn’t modest. He swallowed nervously while staring at his food. He didn’t normally do well in dangerous situations such as these. He’d seen many men die because they’d trusted a stranger, and he didn’t want to be one of those men. “How dangerous could she be?” He whispered in his mind, trying to calm his nerves. War had a way of making even the strongest men nervous.

As the river girl, that’s what he’d decided to call her until he found out her name, sat at the fire with him, he offered up a warm smile. Her clothing rather caught him by surprise, but he didn’t say anything and tried not to stare. He wasn’t even sure how old she was for one thing, and he didn’t want to be a pervert for another. He did however determine that she must have been a gypsy. Most normal Jewish girls were very modest due to their religious views.
She seemed confused for a moment, and he frowned. Did she not speak German? It would be a pity if she didn’t. He had found himself looking forward to having some company other than violent ruffian Nazis. She cursed lowly in what he assumed was French due to the soft curve of the language. He sighed softly in disappointment. He did not speak any French which meant he could not communicate with this girl, but his sorrow was short lived when she managed to use a bit of somewhat rusty German. His face brightened into a mischievous smile. “I am completely alone.” He said in an attempt to reassure her she was safe. “I sent the other’s home already so I could have some time away from them. They can be savages and sometimes I need a break.” He sighed in relief and comfort. “I haven’t had a conversation with a pleasant human being in months. The men in our barracks are so rude and most of them are quite disgusting. I’ve taken to staying in abandoned places so I don’t have to sleep with the other soldiers. They snore.”
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, that’s quite enough about me! It’s quite nice to meet you Lola. I’m to guess you’re from one of the nearby Gypsy camps?” He smiled kindly. “I know food is probably hard to come by these days. You are welcome to the rest of mine if you’d like it. I promise it isn’t gross, and I don’t have germs, so I’d love to share?” He wasn’t sure if she liked him or not. His guess was on not. He didn’t really blame her though. His uniform made him the enemy, and he knew she wouldn’t just let her guard down because he was being nice to her.

Bruno pushed the food over towards Lola, giving her the choice to eat it or not. He placed a few more pieces of wood into the little camp fire and pulled his jacket off. He had a long sleeves shirt underneath, and he eyes Lola curiously. “Are you cold?” He inquired. “You can borrow my jacket if you’d like.” It wasn’t exactly cold outside, but he didn’t want to ask her if she was uncomfortable being so exposed to him. Phrasing it that way seemed rude and uncalled for.

Aaron was caught by surprise as the officer whirled around towards him. His eyes widened considerably and he tried to strike, stopped by a large hand and a strong arm. His uttered a soft wail of fear and anguish. ‘This is it. They’ve caught me, I am going to die.’ He thought, trying to keep his eyes from watering. The Nazi’s voice didn’t sound cruel, but he chose not to trust it, panicking. He chose to writhe, attempting to get out of the grasp the man had on him.

As Aaron was shoved away, it was all he could do not to fall flat on his bum. He swayed slightly, his wiry frame almost collapsing. He’d never been so thin in his life, or so hungry. He gazed up at the other man in misery, his large eyes taking on a tortured look. Like prey. “I won’t trust you.” He stated blandly, spitting at the solder’s boots in disgust. “I hate you all. You’re a horrible man in a horrible army. I hope they shoot you.” His voice went shrill. “No! I hope they skin you alive and fry you just like you horrid bastards did to my poor sister!” He didn’t notice that he had tears running all down his dirt smeared face. His shoulders quivered and he looked away, staring at his hands and picking at the dirt under his grubby nails. He was a mess and he knew he must look pitiful to this well dressed officer. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a bath, and he was glad the smell of wine covered any odors.

After a few moments of rebellious silence, Aaron determined he was done fighting. He would much rather go by his name than a number if he was going to be taken away or killed. “My name is Aaron.” He answered in defeat, wiping his runny nose and glaring up at Stefan. “Don’t you dare call me a number like a damned sheep either! I want you to remember my name and remember it well, because when you go to hell, I want you to remember that my blood is on your filthy, disgusting hands, do you hear me Aryan filth?” He was repulsed by the ugly uniform he was gazing at, though the man in said uniform was not unattractive. He appeared kind enough, and Aaron let his features soften down some, letting go of his anger for the moment. “What are you going to do with me?” He asked nervously.
