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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-03-2013, 04:26 AM

Vixen was still reeling from the discovery that her mother had been Nephillim when she exited the bank. She carefully locked it up, and then took her laptop out of the backpack she carried. She opened it and started hacking the security mainframe, putting the cameras back online, but rewinding the tapes so that they showed the exact same time as when she had entered. Then she entered a video feed of the security footage just before she had entered, creating a loop of innocent footage to fill in the empty space of time. When and if the security footage was checked the next day, it would look as if the cameras had run uninterrupted all night without catching anything suspicious. Smiling at her handiwork, Vixen closed and put away her laptop, and looked up. She was no fool- she knew perfectly well that she was now being watched. Glancing around, she noticed a car idling nearby that hadn't been there before. It looked as if it was off, and there was no one inside. Clearly whomever was watching her was a professional. She bit her lip, calculating her next move. She couldn't reach for her gun, that would be far too obvious, and it would invite action on their part. If she ran, they would chase her. Running was a dead giveaway. She could go for her knife while pretending to tie her shoe, but she had a feeling these people would be too smart for that move. She had only two options: first, she could casually walk away, or second, she could casually walk towards them. If she walked away she was relatively sure they'd follow, but they would have no reason to open fire. And they wouldn't be able to follow for too long without being obvious about it. That would give her a change to get away. If she walked towards them, she could confront them on the pretense of being out on a late night walk. She wasn't sure how much they had seen, but talking to them and purposely allowing them to catch her in a lie would tell her exactly what they knew. If they didn't catch the lie, then it meant they hadn't seen her exit the bank. If they caught her, she would at least be able to have the advantage of standing outside while they were in the car. Weighing her options, she decided to try walking away. If they had any reason to come after her, she would know why soon enough. At least she was trained for this kind of situation. Casually pushing herself off from the wall, she started walking down the street away from the car. Her hands were in her pockets: any amateur packing heat would keep their hands away from their pockets, which was an easy tell for anyone who knew what they were doing. No, someone innocent- or professional- would be completely casual about keeping their hands in their pockets. I've got nothing to hide, it said. I'm just walking.