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Jack MacGaven
Vampire of Menewsha
Jack MacGaven is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 05:19 PM

Jack had listened to him, being genuinely interested in what he had to say in the matter. They all were in the same boat, right? So why not share thoughts etcetera etcetera.
She did feel guilty of leaving him so suddenly, but she couldn't have the little girl crying, she would get the attention of the Others now.

Once she had settled down and set to work on making the kid a new doll to play with, she had her ears open to her new companion.
She made small sounds of acknowledging his story, while she kept her eyes on the work in her hands. To her it seemed like a normal day. But then again. She was raised being warrior and killing almost everything and everyone.
When she was asked for her opinion she looked up and seemed a bit confused at first. Jack never was asked for her opinion on matters.
"Well.." she began softly as she moved her eyes back to her little craft and poked a few holes through the fabric she was working on, pulling thread through it.
"It's a virus or other infection, that much is clear. I don't know how it's spread though. The first generation, to call the first of these monsters, don't really seem to have abnormalities. No wounds, no weirdness, except for their behaviour. Now I know that there are fungi that can cause zombie-like behavior that we've seen. But I don't know what caused it. All I know is that your town wasn't the first nor the last to be plagued by this." She said before looking up again.
"I'm not going to find out though. I just want to make it to my family's safe house that isn't haunted by these things. Meet up with dad and then see what our plan will be." she said as she started cutting another piece of fabric.
"So, our next step is to get some more supplies. I'll run out within two days with the two of us living off of it. And we need transportation that is efficient and silent. Noise lures these things in." she said seeming a bit more human rather than a killing machine.
Jack looked up and smiled at Eric. "If you need anything, feel free to search through my bag. Just leave the side component alone. Nothing of use in there for you, unless you need cotton on a string." she chuckled.