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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 04:33 AM

Aris glanced over his shoulder when the human returned, relaxing slightly, even has he kept one hand on the werewolf. She was alright, that was all that mattered, though the news she gave of another stranger being somewhere in the building made him uneasy again. For now though he would push such things from his mind, though he remained alert. A grimace and a look of disdain passed across his features when the shifter mentioned clothing and healing the werewolf. He had brought her here for justice, not sanctuary. She was a danger to them. An uncontrollable danger. Aris' lips parted to object, then closed immediately. He had no voice to object with, so he remained quiet. He could've tapped his booted foot against the floor to gain the shifter's attention, but Aris didn't.

The shifter was playing leader for now, and he would let her. He would see how this went, and if the were wolf proved to be a danger to them again, he would put her down himself if he thought it necessary. So he silently stood there, his one wing twitching in slight annoyance. As the conversation continued though, he took his hand off of the werewolf and moved away from the interrogation. He had heard enough. Aris moved towards the human, to look her over for injury. She seemed alright, satisfied that none of the other strangers in the building had harmed her in anyway, Aris moved to the Rider.

He would kneel down next to her to get a better look at her injury. Aris wanted to inspect the shifter's injuries as well, but he had a feeling she was healing rather well, quicker than the Rider or human would. Also, the shifter was busy playing alpha. If the Rider allowed him, he would look over her injuries, if she didn't then he would just sit there and stare at her, assessing her well being silently.