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Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post
We're wedged between Massachusetts and New York. Kinda. Below us is the Long Island Sound/ocean, and New York is the to west of us. People who want to live outside of NYC and commute to work like to come to Ct. ;)
And we get hot and humid in the summer, but have very cold, snowy winters. This summer was pretty mild, with only a week or two of hot hot days. So, that was a nice change.

Steampunk? That'll be great. I've never been to just a steampunk event, but have seen some amazing costumes at Renaissance Faires and ComicCons that people get up in steampunk gear for. I've got a bustled skirt I made, that if I was more talented, I'd make a Victorian corset for.

A little hole is a smart idea. If I can't manage to wrap my little matching geodes without a trick like that, I'll see if I can use my dremel tool to carefully drill a hole. I think I can manage without that step, but I want most of the front to show, so we'll see! I'll post pictures if it comes out good.

Hey Kirin! Feelin motivated to craft. :D
I have the motivation but not the time to craft. What sort of crafts do you do?

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
This isn't my idea, nor is it my project, but I saw this yesterday for crocheting rugs from old t-shirt scraps and it looked inspiring. I might try it if I can work up the gumption to go in the garage for the old tshirt box. I'm envisioning something smaller like a teapot sitter-onner. :)

.. it's in Russian but sometimes it's easier for me to replicate something from pictures alone.

OlinoHobby - Crochet Rug from T-shirts and Yarn
Oh that's sort of neat. Yarn and t-shirts. Except I want my old t-shirts made into a quilt.