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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 11:25 PM

Two times each week, a different member has the opportunity to be chosen to win Admin's Pick.

If you can put together a particularly stylish, fun, or eye-catching outfit then there's a good chance that it could be you!


Remember that this isn't about being the best dressed! Admin's Pick isn't about having a better outfit than anyone else, but about standing out from the crowd and catching an admin's eye.

Each Admin is looking for something different, so don't pander to anyone! Using items creatively, having a clever theme, and creating a skillful balance of colors and layers will get you farther than brown nosing ever would.


If you are a winner, your avatar will appear on the front page for everyone to see and your winning outfit will be permanently displayed in the winner's gallery.

With so many new chances to win, prizes for Admin's Pick are now cumulative! A first-time winner will receive a sum of 1,000 gold. And each time that they win afterward, that amount will increase by 1k. The more times you win, the more gold you win!

Since you can win more than once, there's no limit to the amount of gold that you could get!

Just remember that you can only win once within any 2 week period. After you win, it will be exactly two weeks before you are eligible to be chosen again. After all, we need to give everyone a fair chance at the spotlight, amiright?

Last edited by BellyButton; 11-25-2015 at 09:39 PM..