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Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 09-24-2013, 05:08 AM

Temari had an idea of what her brother was talking about, but knew it wouldn't be a good idea to talk about it, not here in the open anyways. She made a mental note to tell Gemini about it once they were in a safe location, having a feeling that she could trust the female with the information. Seeing Kankuro shake his head lightly, she just giggled. " wouldn't mind coming back to Suna with us once this is all over, would you?" she asked, seeing her brother pale considerably at the offer.

"Just try it!" he shouted as he willed the element of lightning to cover his body, just like the armor that the Kage was known to use. If he was going to go down, he was going to give the Konoha brat a fight of his life. He could have used Raiton: Kage Bunshin but his reserves weren't high enough to use it, not to the extent that this brat could.

'Ooh...Kurama-kun's been teaching him some tricks...' Matatabi said from inside the seal as she watched the fight going on, Yugito mentally nodding in agreement. She knew now that it was only a matter of time before Naruto beat Rai down. 'Though something tells me I'm gonna have to be working on that verbal tick of his...' before blushing lightly as her tenant reminded her of how she sometimes added "Nya" to the end of her sentences.