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Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 09-26-2013, 11:30 PM

Bridget sighed, rubbing the black, Friesian stallion's neck. She looked at the school in front of her with trepidation. Could she and Bellisario finally settle down for awhile or would things go south here too. She turned the stallion towards the stable; might as well get him settled in first.

She slid out of the saddle in front of the stable, before leading Bellisario inside. As they walked down the cobblestone aisle way a few horses poked their heads out of their stalls to inspect the new comer. Bellisario neighed with the deep, gruff neigh of a stallion. He danced next to Brid, his neck arched and nostrils flaring.

"Steady Bellisario," Brid soothed. "I know this is new for both of us but this could be our chance."

Fifteen minutes later, Brid had Bellisario settled in his stall and all his equipment organized in her appointed area of the tack room. She stood in the stall, rubbing the stallion's neck, putting off checking into the dorm. The stallion nuzzled her her gently, nickering softly. He lipped a strand of her hair, seeming to sense her nervousness.