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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-27-2013, 06:34 AM

Gemini blushed, clearly embarrassed by Temari's reaction. " one has ever thought they were cute before...when I was little, pretty much everyone saw it as a deformity. Even Naruto-kun was surprised when he finally saw..." She said. It was so unusual for anyone to accept this part of her, she was having trouble accepting it herself. Clearing her throat, she moved on. "Okay, my turn. I want to know about Gaara-san, and why he acts the way he does. Some of the things he's said...have made a surprising amount of sense to me, but I can't figure out why."

Naruto looked on, wondering what was going on. He wasn't really sure what the two girls were talking about now. Sakura blushed. "Well, actually...I used to think I was the brains of the group, and I'm still a good student, but...I can't match up to Naruto-kun or Sasuke-kun. It seems like I'm always in the way, or needing to be saved, or just standing on the sidelines and watching while they do all the work. I guess right now, my place on the team is more like cheerleader..." She whispered, ashamed. Naruto, meanwhile, walked over to Yugito's remaining team mate. "So, I didn't catch your name before. You seem like you're cooler than that other guy, dattebayo." He said by way of conversation.