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Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 09-27-2013, 06:47 PM

I'm biding time until the state smooths over its issues. I have options (private practice being one of them). I'd just like an agency-based job with benefits and someone else to do all the billing crud. If after... hmm... I'll say six months (after being licensed) I don't find something, I'll likely go into case management again for a while. I'm hesitant to do that now because I don't want to get clients used to me and then leave for a therapy job. I did that once with interning, being there for a year, and half my load was crushed. No, I'll say three quarters of my case load was crushed. It made me want to pick and choose my job carefully.

I cannot complain at the wage I currently have. It's helping a lot. We were able to make a substantial credit card payment, though there's no way to chip down that debt (the vehicle stuff) quickly. I'm hoping that we hack enough of it away that the tax return takes care of the rest.

I'm absolutely certain I'll get the job I want in time. There's oddly no pessimism in my body about that. :)