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I don't - what is - I - huh?
Beekeeper is offline
Old 10-10-2013, 04:56 AM

No, dammit, get back here.

Carmen had barely talked to Becca for three seconds before the woman whisked herself away, leaving the brunette with the abandoned dance partner who was now looking to her as a new potential match. She struggled - would it seem weird if she pursued the woman immediately after she left? Would it seem as though she had ulterior motives? She couldn't tell, but at least she was further along in securing the prize than her sister.

Where was Carla, anyway? I would've thought she'd have made her introduction by now but I haven't seen her since she was let in...

She decided to wait a song or maybe two before pursuing the blonde - make it seem as if she were stepping out for some air in order to escape the invasive scent of the party. Which was, in itself, true - Carmen couldn't smell anything past the sweat of the others and, maybe, the sickly sweet stench of her sister. She needed to clear her nose otherwise she'd be driven crazy.


Carla on the other hand saw the woman brush off her sister and felt a tiny bit of satisfaction. However, this meant that the blonde had left the middle of the dance floor, the place where she had been slowly and steadily making her way - and all without the human even glancing in her direction! She was behind her sister and at a severe disadvantage, in more ways than one. Her sister was already introduced to the prey whereas she herself had only seen her from a distance. There was also the fact that it was going to be harder than she expected to lose her dance partner.

He seemed to never let her get more than a few steps away from him before pulling her back. It had gone past annoying and into agitating a couple of songs back - and she doubted she could just tell him she was heading outside for drinks.

Turn his own motives against him. Get him out of the picture that way.

Carla turned around to face the man, looping her arms around her neck and a fake, easy smile spilling across her lips. Men always had one thing in mind, especially when it came to beautiful women - and double that when it came down to beautiful women at a party with free-flowing booze.

"Why don't we take this somewhere a little more private?"

That way I can knock you out with no one seeing. They'll all think you passed out and I'll be able to slip away unnoticed.

Her partner gave her a wolfish smile and heartily agreed, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her through the crowd and out the other side. It didn't take them long to find an empty hallway and - just as he was pushing her up against the wall - she struck him hard on the back of the head. Not with enough force to break the skin, but the man would likely have a wonderful goose-egg in the morning.

Serves him right, the little human bastard. Now, to find the blonde...

Carla headed back into the main room of the party, this time skirting her way around the edge of the dancers, narrowly avoiding the black-haired woman that had been with Becca at the diner. As she passed by though, her nostrils flared. Another, like her, but far older than herself. Eyes glanced to her side, taking in the form of the man dressed as stereotypical Dracula the girl was speaking to, committing his face to memory before moving on. Just so long as he didn't follow her or interfere she would be fine. If she was lucky she passed by unnoticed but that wasn't a likely possibility.

The front door - I think that's where the woman went. Either way I can clear my senses this way before heading back into that mess.

She managed to make it to the entrance easily as most party members seemed to stay towards the centre of the room so there was more space to maneuver in. As Carla arrived at the door and went to pull it open, she paused. Would she be able to reenter the home when she left? She'd never left a home and then went back in on the same night - whenever she left she left usually for good, or came back in a week or something like that.

But, if Becca was outside...

Some risks had to be taken. Someone could always invite her back in - maybe the mysterious host she had yet to meet. Or had she?

Carla really hoped that it wasn't the drunken bananaman.


The human was amusing, certainly. Kaled had lost count of the number of times the boy had thanked him, or even how many apologies he had been given. It was entertaining to see such a display - it wasn't common to see such an emotional feast, at least outside of the confessional booth. Though, it wasn't as if his flock confessed regularly. Maybe once a month at the most for the majority, and that was if they even partook in the sacrament.

"It is my pleasure." Another gentle smile was offered up, an attempt to calm the child - Nate. That was his name. It seemed easier though to call him by anything but. Should he learn the young man's last name, along with a second given name should he have one, he'd know his true name. And should Kaled have that knowledge... Well. He may be tempted to do something with it.

"The first service starts at six in the morning, so you'll have to pardon the noises you'll likely hear. The second floor should be far enough removed so you won't hear the congregation, but you may hear the organ as it is played.

I'll prepare extra food for you - I doubt you'll want to join me for breakfast at such an early hour as five - which will be placed in the fridge for you."

Another soothing smile, another point towards his credible image. It was laughably easy to whip up a meal with a wave of his hand. So long as he had the proper ingredients of course with, by using a little more alchemy, could be made. And if one just halved the total amount of food then it appears as though a second meal had been created.

"I'll leave you to get settled in."

He turned on his heel and walked back to the doorway, fiddling with the sticky door handle before moving down the stairwell, taking care to make sure that every step he took rung out for the other to hear.

Kaled himself had his own room to return to. There would be no more visiting of his sacrificial lamb being held down below tonight.

Perhaps tomorrow. He needed to work fast lest the meat began to rot.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
but I have promises to keep -
and miles to go before I sleep.

Last edited by Beekeeper; 10-10-2013 at 01:12 PM..