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Murasaki Fujiwara
Murasaki Fujiwara is offline
Old 10-14-2013, 05:04 AM


Thanks. I got up the nerve to ask you if you wanted to catch up (not even as a romantic interest, just as friends), and you shot me down. Sorry, but I'm not that type of girl so I guess this is goodbye. I'm not removing you off my skype list, but I'm just shutting it down for the time being. You're the only one I talk to on there anyway.

I don't like it, but at least I got some screenshots of you doing shit so that if it backfires in the future, I'll have some incriminating evidence as well. I guess it's to be expected, considering you used to pal around with my ex.
Eh, at least you're cute and I got you to act like a sl*t on camera.

I admit, I was a fool to think it would go anywhere. Hope is for fools, that's something I'm learning quickly. I exposed some of my most intimate insecurities to you, and this is what I get in return. It's to be expected, and I think that's what hurts the most.

I'll cry and moan for a little while, but I'll be over it soon enough. Not that anyone worries about me anymore. Or worried about me to begin with. I mean, even Chris did shit like this, so I guess you're really no better than he is.
