Thread: White Walls
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It's quiet, now.
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Old 10-16-2013, 03:40 AM

Michael grimaced, but didn't back away. He knew that it was only the human thing to do. To wish to comfort someone in pain. He supposed the staff here was just tired of hearing it all day after day. Maybe it got frustrating, more than saddening, after a while. He bit hi slip. "It's okay. It happened... And now it's over. Even if I'm left with nothing, I... Well, I haven't decided yet. He shifted again, the sudden movement sending shockwaves of stabbing pain deep into his legs and doubling him over with a wordless cry. "I-I should be used to it by now. They said they were trying to do good, to... help. To... create indestructable skeletons. Somehow replace it a little at a time. That they'd found out how to cease paralysis regarding the manipulation of the spine... But when the police arrived, they killed themselves before they could be taken in. I was found in their basement lab..."

He sighed, shaking off the pain mentally, wiping his eyes on his shoulder and working on the next leg for the figurine. "You... you can go if you like. No one likes to spend time with the epitome of self-pity. I-I'll show you the finished product when you come back." He would probably have the horse finished by morning the next day, for sure. It was only three in the afternoon, after all, he had so much time when he didn't sleep but a couple hours.