Thread: White Walls
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 11:53 PM

He nodded as he took in all the new information. Someone would probably bring in the specially prepared food then, since it was such an important part of what would help the other man heal. "I'll move the wheelchair closer to the bed then, so it's easier to reach." Why it lay across the room in a place Michael would have a hard time reaching, Sasha had no idea. Mumbling to himself about thoughtless fools, he slipped from the bed to wheel the chair nearer his charge, close enough that it would take but a few carefully planned moves for Michael to be seated.

"Ah .. Actually ... I still need to get my things.. Would you mind if I left for a little while to go and pick them up?" He had been debating on whether or not to keep his apartment, now that he would be staying right there at the hospital. Perhaps he would become Michael's permanent care taker. For some reason, Sasha had a hard time imagining anyone else doing the job.