Thread: White Walls
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 12:55 AM

"And don't forget, you have a pager and my pager number stuck to it on the back. You can call me at any time." He'd forgotten to mention that important little bit earlier. It struck him as odd, no as fitting, that Michael put metal within the legs of his creation to make it more like him. That probably wasn't his purpose ... Sasha shook his head slightly and resisted the urge to hug or touch the other man again.

Instead he smiled as he bent forward slightly to hear the other man's words. "Michael, I'm here to help you in any way I can. Of course I wouldn't mind." Why did Michael say things so easily, things which moved his heart in odd little ways? Sasha reached out to place his hand gently on the other man's shoulder. "I'll try to get back as soon as I can." Living mostly at the hospital anyway, he didn't have all that much to bring with him.

With that he turned away and left, but not before stopping at the doorway to wave a little for Michael's benefit. As he waled through the hospital, Sasha fumed silently. People were so unfeeling, so callous! He knew in part it was because those very same people didn't hold out much hope for Michael's recovery, and so they distanced themselves purposefully. Along the way, he mentioned Michael needing to be fed, and got a nod from the nurse that she would take care of it.

Then it was home he went to his sparse apartment. It took but a few moments to pile his clothing into a few bags. Sasha was more careful with the pictures of his family, and the little trinkets he'd picked up here and there. The furniture he glanced at and shrugged. It was all dump worthy anyway. The only thing he wanted to send back home was the bed, for safe keeping. That wouldn't take long, just a call to his parents, which he proceeded to do. Sasha gave them a quick explanation of the situation, and smiled at how supportive his parents were of his choice to move into the hospital on a permanent basis.