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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 01:33 AM

Investigation Location: Samantha's Cabin

Thumb through the books.
The books on the shelf cover a wide range of genres and variations. Aside from the standard, gilded encyclopedia, titles range from Shakespeare's Othello, to Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, to a dog-eared copy of 50 Shades of Grey with the inscription 'Property of HIM_ROCK' written on the inside. But reaching the end of the shelf, you find something strange about Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. There's an unusual jangle coming from the book. Opening the front cover, you find that it's hollow... and contains a generous pile of gold. Hot dog! You should read more often.

Scrutinize the lamps.
The first thing you notice when you step into the room is how dang bright it is in here. Recessed lighting in the ceiling, overhead lights by the shelves, wall lamps, table lamps, and a desk lamp?! It's absurd and greatly offends your inner conservationist, so you take it upon yourself to go around and unscrew lightbulbs just enough to turn off those lamps that you find excessive. Your little protest probably just saved the Crane estate 600g, which you're perfectly comfortable billing them for.

Inspect the sitting area.

EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
The sitting area looks fairly un-sat, except for one thing. There's a book left out, laid open, face down on the armrest of one of the chairs. You flip it over and read an excerpt:

"Her ivory skin still glistened with bath water and her bosom heaved with anticipation as David stepped toward her, dropping his towel to the floor."

Whoa!! This is one of those smutty romance novels like they sell at the grocery store -- perhaps Samantha isn't such an ice queen after all?

Crawl under the desk.

ink Blott
You pride yourself on being a top notch detective. Well, crawling under the cabin desk, you're right now a top notch detective with their posterior wagging in the air. Carrying your old timey magnifying glass, you visually sweep the ground for clues. Too bad you didn't see the black puddle you just put your hand into. What is this stuff? On closer inspection, you find that it's ink. And it's everywhere down here. Seems that Mrs. Talbot accidentally knocked over her ink well. Say, be good citizen and clean it up.

Examine the art.

Belle Poule Hat
You focus your attention on the various art pieces displayed around the room. There's a very definite nautical theme going on here, which is not exactly out of place on a yacht. One painting shows a large ship on a stormy sea, another a smaller fishing vessel. There's what looks like an old sextant in a display case on one of the shelves. Not far from that you spot something that strikes an arrow of nostalgic longing into your heart: a little model ship. You've always wanted a little model ship. Why couldn't you ever have one? You should get one. Why not this one? I'm sure nobody will miss it. Not if you hurry.

Rifle through the desk drawers.

EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
You wonder what secrets lie behind Samantha Talbot's cold exterior. Could she be a spy? Or a secret agent working for Scotland Yard? Opening the desk drawers, you prepare yourself for a world of espionage and intrigue... But instead find nothin' but a buncha paperwork. Ah well. But then something small catches your eye. A matchbook from the Drunken Bass bar and grill. "The Best Seafood in Texas!", it reads. Is Texas even known for its seafood? Lifting the book cover, half the matches have been used. Hmm, you can't recall if Mrs. Talbot smoked or not.

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Thumb through the books.
    Chexala - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    Death_to_the_reaper - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    dragoness129 - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    Kilia - x
    Ling - x
    lunanuova - x
    Mageling - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Mythos - x
    Nephila - x
    mike13 - x
    numerica - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    SaraviBoo - x
    Shadami - x
    Shania583 - x
    shinigamikarasu - x
    star2000shadow - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    Vox - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Woofie267 - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Scrutinize the lamps.
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    M i n u x e - x
    Neora - x

  • - Inspect the sitting area.
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    Hadsvich - x
    iC[a]ndy - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x

  • - Crawl under the desk. PRIZE: Ink Blott
    Aganab - x SENT
    Ascadellia - x SENT
    Cardinal Biggles - x SENT
    Codette - x SENT
    Cora - x SENT
    EverlastingRitz - x SENT
    KatMagenta - x SENT
    Roxxxy - x SENT
    Seridano - x SENT
    TutsTalkin.. - x SENT
    Velvet - x SENT
    Wordstreamer - x SENT
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x SENT

  • - Examine the art.
    blueblackrose - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Ivvy - x
    Jeannesha - x
    LaVida - x
    Liztress - x
    Mikio - x
    Nema - x
    pollik17 - x
    Risque - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Silence - x
    spicedroses - x
    sushi_mew - x
    TamLin - x
    wish - x

  • - Rifle through the desk drawers.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Antagonist - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Dystopia - x
    EirianHikari - x
    girlbot9 - x
    GwenaHikari - x
    hummy - x
    LadyDesi - x
    musasgal - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    slurpz - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-02-2013 at 08:24 AM..