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BellyButton is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 01:57 AM

Interrogation of Loretta CraneX

Loretta: Mind if I smoke?

Howdy: It’s fine.

Belly: Your name, please?

Loretta: Loretta Elizabeth Crane, née Hurston.

Howdy: Your age?

Loretta: [wearily] Is that really necessary?

Howdy: I’m afraid so.

Loretta: [frowning] I am sixty years old.

Belly: What is your relation to the victim?

Loretta: I’m his ex-wife.

Howdy: Now Mrs. Crane…

Loretta: [almost scoldingly] Ms. Crane!

Howdy: My apologies. Now Ms. Crane, I realize this is all very uncomfortable. But just answer the questions truthfully, and this shouldn’t take to long.

Loretta: [with hardened self-confidence] I’m not nervous. I’ve nothing to hide.

Belly: How long were you and Bishop Crane married?

Loretta: Thirty-five years. Thirty-five very long years.

Howdy: How did the two of you meet?

Loretta: We were first introduced at a gala, but had known of the other before then. The upper class huddle together like rats, afraid that a little blue collar blood will get in the mix. In our circles, you know a person’s reputation before you know their face.

Belly: Was it love at first sight?

Loretta: No. In truth, I question if I ever really truly loved him. Don’t get me wrong, there was a certain level of affection and attraction. Enough to concede to our parent’s insistence that we get married.

Belly: Why did they insist?

Loretta: We were both from very well off and influential families. They thought we were a good match. [thoughtfully] I realize now though, if I had been given time to sit with myself and think, I may not have married him.

Howdy: Why’s that?

Loretta: Bishop could never fully commit to another person. He was someone always more concerned with his needs. I recognized that early on, but I was intrigued by him. And I stupidly hoped marriage would change this fault. He was much more charming in his younger days, very different from what he became.

Howdy: And what did he become?

Loretta: His father. [with venom] A miserly, vindictive and insufferable bastard.

Belly: You sound bitter.

Loretta: You’re damned straight I’m bitter. I gave that man the best years of my life. I gave him my youth. And what did I receive in return? He cheated on me every time my back was turned. It was all too much to bear. So four years ago I asked for a divorce.

Howdy: And you were never unfaithful to him?

Loretta: [aghast] Of course not! What kind of woman would that make me?!

Belly: Ms. Crane, what can you tell us about Ulrich Jacobs?

Loretta: [caught off guard] I… I really don’t know what I could say. We were all friends in our younger years. In fact, he and Bishop were best friends.

Howdy: And how close were you to Mr. Jacobs?

Loretta: [disapproving] Not as close as you may be thinking. … I mean… [softening] There were some days, though, I did wonder what would've happened if I had met Ulrich first. Would have most likely come to nothing. He was working class. My parents wouldn’t have approved. -- Oh, but he did have character. So different from Bishop. He wasn’t handed success on a silver platter. Ulrich worked for it, pulled himself up from his bootstraps. [wistfully] He was ambitious and idealistic. A dreamer and a romantic. I had the sense he was also very lonely. … [coming back to herself] Yes well, after the falling out between he and Bishop, Ulrich and I really haven’t kept in contact.

Belly: Have you ever thought of marrying again?

Loretta: Not as of yet. Being married to Bishop has left a sour taste in my mouth. And I can’t say our divorce has been so happy either.

Howdy: The business with the prenup.

Loretta: [furious] I never signed a goddamn prenuptial agreement! He forged those documents! He forged my name! Him and those devils he called lawyers! And why? To get back at me for leaving him.

Belly: Your family operates the very lucrative Hurston Foods, don’t they? Is money really a problem?

Loretta: It’s not about money, my dear. It’s principal. I stood by that man for thirty-five years, thorough thick and thin. And time and time again he made a fool of me. There’s only so much one person can take. I tried to keep my chin up, when he would go off with any harlot who caught his eye. Like that little idiot sitting downstairs.

Howdy: Lucy St. Clair?

Loretta: I don’t need to know her name. To me she’s nothing but the last face in Bishop’s parade of tramps.

Belly: Miss St. Clair claims she and Mr. Crane were going to get married.

Loretta: [laughing with genuine amusement] The poor simple thing. I’m sure she believes that. Her time would have come, though. But now that Bishop is dead, she can continue with the delusion. Unknowing of what kind of nightmare it really is to be married to that man. [reflects] So many regrets. The only one I don’t have is my little Bradley.

Howdy: Your only son, Brad Crane?

Loretta: Yes, my sweet boy. He is the jewel of my existence. So very much unlike his father. Bishop never understood him. Bradley is a sensitive child, with a poet’s soul.

Belly: Some might call him a directionless, playboy.

Loretta: [grimacing] Well those some should bite their tongues. Idle talk like that is nothing more than jealous spite. [spitting the last word]

Howdy: Ms. Crane, do you know why Mr. Crane had you all gather here tonight?

Loretta: Haven’t the foggiest. He and I hadn’t exactly been on speaking terms. I received the invitation and promptly threw it out. But I must admit curiosity took the better of me.

Howdy: Can you recount your whereabouts this evening?

Loretta: After coming on board, I had a short lie down in my cabin. Then I made my way to the bar and helped myself to an aperitif.

Belly: Were you alone?

Loretta: Yes. There was no bartender. Bishop, the tightwad, had short staffed the ship.

Belly: A final inquiry, Ms. Crane. Who do you suspect killed your ex-husband?

Loretta: I really couldn’t say. [pauses] But I will tell you who I’m suspicious of. That Nathan Matsutake.

Howdy: You mean Nathan Matsuyama.

Loretta: [waving a hand] Whatever. Now I’m not a prejudiced woman, but there is just something about him I am wary of. I haven’t had many meet ups with Bishop since our divorce, but each time I did that young man was always there, hovering in the background.

Belly: But he was Mr. Crane's personal secretary. That was his job.

Loretta: And that’s my point. In all the years we were married, a womanizer like Bishop never had a male secretary. I suppose you could call it a changing of the times, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel right.

Howdy: [writing in his notepad] Alright, Ms. Crane. We thank you for your time. You can return to the dining room.

Loretta: Thank god. I could use a gin. [leaves]

Howdy: And you wondered why I never got married.

Belly: I thought it was because of your freakishly small pinky fingers.

Howdy: Hey, you know I’m sensitive about those.

Investigation Location: Bar

Empty the ashtrays.
Emptying the ashtrays proves to be just as disgusting as one might imagine. They've not been dumped in a while and wrinkled-up butts, ash, and the odd gum wrapper here and there threaten to spill out onto the floor as you make your way over to the trash. On your last tray you find that someone has tucked some money underneath, like you might do with a cash tip at a restaurant. Do people tip ashtray-dumpers on yachts? Hm.

Reach under the armchairs.

EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
You'd imagine that a classy joint like this would be kept neat and tidy, so you don't really expect much to come from looking under the armchairs. And sure enough your search seem futile, until you reach the last chair. You feel around and pull out a small bit of paper. It's a recipe card. Written at the top in big letters is 'Aunt Celerina's Miracle Fish Soup'. Now you don’t know much about cooking, but it does seem a bit unusual. It reads:

5 qt. of liquid from the waters of Arno
1 cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 fish, such as bass
3 hot dogs, diced
1 rooster, sectioned
salt and pepper to taste

On high heat bring water to a rapid boil; add cabbage, carrots and celery. Sever head from fish and toss into water. Allow fish head to flavor water for 6-8 minutes, then remove. Place body of fish into soup, along with hot dog and rooster pieces. Turn heat down to medium-low and let simmer, uncovered, for 40 minutes. Serves 7.

Carefully search the glasses.

Slick Shades - Steel
Glasses. Right. You mosey over to the rack of cocktail glasses behind the bar and inspect them for any abnormalities. You don't notice anything amiss - they're a bit dusty, but nothing seems out of place or suspicious looking. Turning around, you see a different sort of glasses sitting on a little tray behind the bar: a pair of tacky shades. Those must've been left behind by a patron or guest at some point? You don't figure they're coming back for them any time soon.

Open the bar fridge.

Bubbly Celebration
Clues can be anywhere, and so can sandwiches. Which is why you volunteered to check the bar fridge, seeing as you haven't had anything to nosh since breakfast. And if not a sandwich, maybe some other tasty morsel. But the only contents of the fridge is a chilled bottle of champagne. Maybe it was to celebrate whatever was going on tonight. If that's the case, they certainly won't be needing it anymore.

Examine the liquor bottles.
Looking over the vast collection of wine bottles makes you feel like a kid in a candy store. Or maybe a kid in a wine shop. A kid with a drinking problem. Regardless, it's an impressive assortment. Reds and whites. Cabernets and Bordeauxs. Makes you wish you were cuddled up by the fire with a nice glass, listening to some smooth fusion jazz. But don't get too friendly, these are some expensive looking wines. Not one has a twist-off cap. Too bad. But there is one open bottle. Peering inside, it's empty except for a small gathering of gold at the bottom. How did that get in there? Well if you can get it out, it's yours.

Do a sweep of the bar top.

EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
You'd assume the bar top would be a gold mine of fingerprints, but you've gone over it twice and it's spotless. A few martini glasses, a couple bottles of expensive looking hooch. Not much out of the ordinary. But at the far end of the bar sits something unusual. An autographed photo of actor Mark Hamil. It reads: "To my biggest fan! - Mark Hamil - 15th of November, 19XX". The last two digits in the year have been smudged and are unreadable. -- Who was his biggest fan? Could it have been Mr. Crane?

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Empty the ashtrays.
    Beekeeper - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    Mythos - x
    pollik17 - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    slurpz - x
    sushi-mew - x
    Velvet - x

  • - Reach under the armchairs.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Anglie - x
    blueblackrose -
    Cardinal Biggles - x
    Cora - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    death_to_the_reaper - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    EvertlastingRitz - x
    Nema - x
    numerica - x
    Nike13 - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    star2000shadow - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

  • - Carefully search the glasses.
    Antagonist - x
    Dystopia - x
    fairywaif - x
    KatMagenta - x
    Liztress - x
    Neora - x
    Nephila - x
    Popcorn Gun - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    Roxxxy - x

  • - Open the bar fridge. PRIZE: Bubbly Celebration
    girlbot9 - x SENT
    GwenaHikari - x SENT
    Hadsvich - x SENT
    hummy - x SENT
    Irishrain - x SENT
    Iroase Delschatten - x SENT
    Ivvy - x SENT
    Jeannesha - x SENT
    Ling - x SENT
    p o p p e t ♥ - x SENT
    Silence - x SENT
    TutsTalkin.. - x SENT
    Woofie267 - x SENT
    Wordstreamer - x SENT

  • - Examine the liquor bottles.
    Aganab - x
    CrimsonShadow - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    LaVida - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Saravi Boo - x
    Seridano - x
    spicedroses - x
    wish - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Do a sweep of the bar top.
    Chexala - x
    Codette - x
    Darth Mudkip - x
    EirianHikari - x
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    LadyDesi - x
    Mikio - x
    musasgal - x
    Risque - x
    Shania583 - x
    shinigamikarasu - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2013 at 12:48 AM..