Thread: White Walls
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 03:09 AM

Sasha shook his head quickly and turned to face Michael. "I wasn't talking about walking yet. More like just seeing how well you can shift your legs from a sitting position, if you can lift them, and work with them as things are. I wouldn't ask you to walk ..." How would he be able to do that? How could he do his job, when he knew how much every movement hurt Michael? Something clogged his throat up, making it hard for Sasha to breathe.

"I'm so sorry I have to make you do this." He wanted to take all the pain away. Sasha knew he couldn't, but the wish was still there. The young man walked a bit nearer the bed so he could see the other man's sculpture. It was so nice, shaping up beautifully. He just didn't know how to comment on that, without derailing the important conversation he and his charge were having.