Thread: White Walls
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 10:33 PM

Michael was .... he was being cute. Sasha bit his lower lip and nodded quickly. "Yes, of course we can. It's just, I still need to go and set everything up. Just call if you need me!" The pale haired man turned away awkwardly to make a quick retreat into his room. The bags were everywhere! It was going to take forever to make the place look like his home. It would be for a while. He was basically going to be Michael's live in nurse, even though he had been training to be a doctor. Somehow, he couldn't find it in him to mind. Why had Michael said his name like that, like the person it belonged to was so important?

Sasha unzipped bags and folded his clothes into drawers. The room was so sterile and yet the more of his things he put here and there, the more it felt like home. He didn't know how he would deal with everything, with the odd living circumstances, the way Michael seemed to be willing to do anything he asked so readily. Would the other man have gone through his physical therapy session so readily for anyone else? That reminded him, he hadn't asked how the other man was doing, how he felt. Sasha had just been too flustered to, too affected by Michael's obvious pain.

He wiped his tears away again and sobbed slightly as he settled upon the bed. Michael hadn't deserved to be used and misused as he had.