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Exaggerated Rebellion
The Best Bounced Check
Exaggerated Rebellion is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 04:34 PM

And now the all important question: are there spoiler tags on this website?

Well, until I find out, all I have to say for Joffrey is I hated him a lot too, but then Storm of Swords happened... Actually that can be said for a lot of characters. Either I hated or I loved them until Storm of Swords happened.

Zimmerdale: I totally agree with you! Stansa and Dany are also two of my favorites as well. Brienne is another favorite of female of mine. I want her to succeed in her quest so that she and Jaime can get back to annoying each other. In in the end, I pretty much like everyone, except for maybe Cersei and Ayra. And even then, I totally sympathize with them and don't want to see them fail.

As for the who takes the Iron Throne... I'm torn between Stannis and Dany. On the one hand, Dany is made of awesome and kicking ass wherever she goes, and is most likely to try to make the lives of her people better. On the other hand, Stannis is (spoilers?) actually like "screw your war, I'm actually going to protect my country up at the Wall. Like a proper king should."

Or, least, that's what he's like right now. Knowing these books, anyone can literally change plans between chapters...

I haven't seen the show, for better or worse, but I have friends that reblog GoT pictures and gifs on tumblr all the time. It's actually how I got into the series.