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Gemini is offline
Old 10-31-2013, 04:54 AM

Name: Calcifer Black
Age: 20
Bio: Cal is an orphan who decided to come on the journey to make a new life for himself. He's generally rather cold and reserved, and doesn't talk much. Cal is a mystery to everyone around him.

Name: Hikari Starr
Age: 18
Bio: Hikari considers herself a normal girl, or at least she used to until "the incident." She won't tell anyone what happened, but it completely demoralized her and she lost all self respect. She went with the crew because someone referred to her as "good breeding stock" and she figured she could at least be useful with the children. Hikari loves children, and is only ever smiling when she's around Bell and Alessia.

Name: Todd Hunter
Age: 20
Bio: Todd grew up with rich parents, just like the three Kuran siblings. Having traveled in the same circle his whole life, he knew them rather well, and had a hopeless crush on Caroline when he was young. He's over it now, but he still let's her boss him around. His parents sent him with the expansion for the simple reason of getting rid of him.

Siobhan was helping the crew get ready to land when she spotted her childhood friend through the window of the captain's quarters, looking gloomy. She excused herself and went to the door. She knocked, then opened it and stepped in. "Ahoy captain. Penny for your thoughts?" She asked, closing the door behind her and leaning on it.

Calcifer was already ready and waiting while everyone else was packing. He didn't have any belongings to pack, besides the clothes he was wearing. Leaning on the railing at the side of the ship, Cal watched their new home grow steadily closer.

Hikari was down in the living quarters. She had just found the cabin where the three half siblings were getting ready. "Izabella, I just heard Alessia looking for you." She said quietly, shy around the girl's older siblings.

Todd had just finished packing his belongings and was headed up to the deck to look for something to do. He hated doing nothing and liked to help, which was part of the reason his parents felt such disdain towards him. They had always felt that he was a failure, preferring to work "like a peasant" rather than dress up and go to a party. He'd also gotten into a lot of fights over the years, being picked on for his two different colored eyes. He never wore a shirt or shoes, for no particular reason that anyone knows. Stepping into the light of the deck, he adjusted the eye patch over his red eye so that it was secure.