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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-01-2013, 07:53 AM

When the girl fell and harmed herself, Kristoph pulled back only slightly. A flicker of uncertainty passed over his features. Then when the reaper appeared, his entire form flickered. The blood and injuries gone in an instant and he was the perfect picture of health once again, well, as healthy as any ghost really. He hadn't meant for the girl to get hurt, and he didn't understand why a reaper was here, but something about a reaper being so close unsettled him. His ghostly form flickered and shimmered, as if he couldn't decide weather to stay or leave.

Then another being was there, touching the injured girl and healing her. Everything was happening so fast, all of these strangers. Strangers in his home. "...Out!" At first the words were whispered, then he screamed at them. "Get out of here. Go away, you don't belong here. No one wants you here. GO AWAY!" Then Kristoph vanished. Only to reappear where he had left Andromeda, his body becoming solid once more. Tangible and his feet touched the ground. That tangible body was tense, and he was looking away and down at the ground. Kris was mostly angry at himself for causing the girl to get hurt. He had just wanted to scare her, not cause injury. He shifted on his feet, feeling uncomfortable, angry and a bit ashamed.