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Velvet is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 01:29 AM

TRICK or Treat: I've Created a Monster!
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: The Smelly Garblin earns is reputation by the foul odor that seeps from its buttock glands. Garblin's are known to love gold. They hoard it, smell it, lick it, and who knows what else. But their cousin, the Smelly Garblin not only loves gold, but also loves sweets. The best time for the smelly beast to get itself some sweet savory treats? Halloween, of course. The Smelly Garblin will stalk innocent trick or treaters, release some foul smelling farts which knock out the surprised targets and steals their goodies. They are even known to invade the candy givers home's and steal all the sweet goodies before they even have a chance to be handed out.